(305) 962-6142 rjruano@ecostratas.com

About Us

Founded in 2010, Ecostrata Services is dedicated to amplifying financial resources and cultivating growth opportunities for private enterprises, nonprofit organizations and government organizations. We have secured more than $100 million for our clients through a variety of focused and diverse strategies including fundraising, consulting, strategic planning, lobbying, grant writing and project management.

Get started with a free consultation. We’ll explore how to together we can help achieve your mission and increase your impact.

(305) 962-6142


Robert Ruano

Robert Ruano

Founder and President

Ecostrata Services Founder and President, Robert Ruano has over 30 years of management experience, both in the private, nonprofit, and public sectors. His experience includes a stint in City of Miami government overseeing all grant applications and environmental initiatives and as Executive Director of a nonprofit community center in Miami.

Robert started Ecostrata in 2010, to assist cities and nonprofits with their grants and government relations needs. Since then, Ecostrata has secured over $100 million in government grants and contracts for its clients. With the help of experienced personnel, the company has helped cities and nonprofits of all sizes with projects in infrastructure, parks and parks programming, human services, arts and culture, and much more.

Robert believes that community service is crucial to being a good corporate citizen, as such, he volunteers on several community boards and at community events. Currently, he serves as a trustee for the Arbor Day Foundation and as a board member of the Citizens Independent Transportation Trust in Miami-Dade. In addition, Robert is a past Chair of the Miami-Dade Planning Advisory Board and co-founder of Bike Walk Coral Gables. These organizations benefit from free advice, hours, and dollars that help them help their community. A win for everyone.

Uma Yanez

Uma Yanez

Grants Manager

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